This site provides INTERCEPT product information for Health Care Professionals in the United States.

Contraindications, Warnings and Precautions:

INTERCEPT Blood System for Cryoprecipitation for the manufacturing of Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex::


        • Contraindicated for preparation of blood components intended for patients with a history of hypersensitivity reaction to amotosalen or other psoralens.
        • Contraindicated for preparation of blood components intended for neonatal patients treated with phototherapy devices that emit a peak energy wavelength less than 425 nm, or have a lower bound of the emission bandwidth <375 nm, due to the potential for erythema resulting from interaction between ultraviolet light and amotosalen.


        • Only the INTERCEPT Blood System for Cryoprecipitation is approved for use to produce Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex.
        • For management of patients with vWD or factor XIII deficiency, Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex should not be used if recombinant or specific virally-inactivated factor preparations are available. In emergent situations, if recombinant or specific virally-inactivated factor preparations are not available, Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex may be administered.