This site provides INTERCEPT product information for Health Care Professionals in the United States.

Why INTERCEPT Platelets

Safe, available blood is critical to improving patient outcomes…

But the blood supply and blood components are susceptible to a continued risk of transfusion-transmitted infections (TTIs) from bacteria and certain emerging pathogens, as well as blood accessibility challenges.1-10

The INTERCEPT® Blood System for Platelets Pathogen Reduction System helps address TTI risks of platelets through a proactive, broad-spectrum solution for hospitals and blood centers, benefiting the patients who need it most.

Infectious Risk
  • Bacteria risk
  • Viral risk
Insufficient availability
  • Pandemics & outbreaks
  • Donor access & retention11,12
  • Limited shelf-life
Non-Infectious risk
  • Leukocytes and Transfusion-Associated Graft-vs-Host Disease (TA-GVHD)

Platelets treated with the INTERCEPT Blood System (INTERCEPT Platelets) offer:

  • TTI risk reduction from bacteria, viruses, protozoa*13
  • Improved platelet availability through early platelet component release and proactive inactivation of certain emerging pathogens
  • Prevention of TA-GVHD

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*There is no pathogen inactivation process that has been shown to eliminate all pathogens. Certain non-enveloped viruses (e.g., HAV, HEV, B19, and poliovirus) and Bacillus cereus spores have demonstrated resistance to the INTERCEPT process. For a full list of pathogens, please refer to Package Insert.


  1. Dumont, L.J., et al. Transfusion, 2010.50: p.589-599.
  2. Hong, H., et al., Blood, 2016.127(4): p.496-502.
  3. Kleinman, S., W. Reed, and A. Stassinopoulos. Transfusion, 2013.53(7): p.1603-18.
  4. Murphy, W.G., et al. Vox Sang, 2008.95(1): p.13-19.
  5. Howard, al. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 2012.1(e46).
  6. Diuk-Wasser, M. Scientific American, A Division of Nature America.2013.
  7. Brouard, C., et al. Transfusion, 2008.48: p.1333-1341.
  8. W. Van Bortel, et al. Eurosurveillance, 2014.19(13): p.pii=20759.
  9. Prichard, A.B., et al. “Comparing Usable Shelf-Life of Pathogen Reduced Platelets vs. LVDS Screened Platelets”. AABB 2022. Poster P-IV-2.
  10. Collier, T. and Chrebtow, V. “Impact of Pathogen Reduction (PR) vs. LVDS Testing on Platelet Availability: A Study Based on Real-World Experience”. AABB 2022. Poster P-IV-8.
  11. Cerus Corporation (2023) “Banco de Sangre de Servicios Mutuos (BSSM)” [Case Study].
  12. Rico, S et al Treatment Use Study of INTERCEPT Platelet Components in Response to the
  13. INTERCEPT Blood System for Platelets Package Insert; Cerus Corporation.