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The Rationale for Pathogen Reduction: Blood Center and Transfusion Services Perspectives

Part 3 of 3 – AABB Science and Innovation Forum: Assessing FDA Bacterial Guidance Strategies: Perspectives from Canadian Blood Services, the American Red Cross, and OneBlood

OneBlood provides its approach to complying with the FDA guidance, including the rationale for pathogen reducing the majority of OneBlood’s platelet inventory; blood safety, availability, and operational aspects are discussed from both the blood center and transfusion service perspectives.

Rita A. Reik, MD, FCAP
Chief Medical Officer

As Chief Medical Officer for OneBlood, Inc., Dr. Reik oversees OneBlood’s team of board-certified Transfusion Medicine physicians, and the operational areas of Therapeutic Apheresis, Cellular Therapy, Education, Transfusion Medicine Specialists Clinic and Research. She is board-certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine, and Forensic Pathology. Dr. Reik’s past experience includes serving as Senior Medical Officer for the American Red Cross (ARC) Biomedical Services. She was also ARC’s Director of National Operations for the Center for Cell Therapy and Chief Medical Officer of the Pacific Northwest Region. Dr. Reik is a graduate of the University of Miami School of Medicine, and received her post-graduate training at University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center. Her areas of interest include Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy, and new emerging diseases. She is a regional Principal Investigator for the NIH/NHLBI Transfusion-Transmissible Infections Monitoring System and served on task forces for Zika Virus. She serves on multiple national and international committees in the field of transfusion medicine and had authored research papers on new emerging diseases and their significance to the blood supply.

Watch the Replay
Runtime: 19 min