Resources Case Studies Coding & Billing Implementation Tools Package Inserts Product Information Videos, Webinars, & Podcasts Select ProductAll ProductsIFCPlasmaPlateletsPRPCRSelect Resource TypeAll Resource TypesCase StudiesCoding & BillingImplementation ToolsPackage InsertsProduct InformationVideos, Webinars, & PodcastsUINTERCEPT Goes Beyond – Platelets and IFCINTERCEPT Fibrinogen Complex (IFC)Elevate Patient Care for Hematology-Oncology PatientsINTERCEPT Blood System Mechanism of ActionAssessing Impact of IFC on Wastage and MTPsImplementing the Use of IFC in Pediatric SettingAssessing Platelet Availability – PR vs. LVDSUse of PR Platelets for Patient Safety and SustainabilityOptimizing Platelet Availability and Access to 100% PR InventoryUS Tertiary Care Hospital Gains Operational Efficiency and Fresher PlateletsImplementation of PR at Puerto Rico Blood Center During Zika OutbreakVersiti PR Scale-UpStanford Blood Center Implements 100% PRImplementation of INTERCEPT Fibrinogen Complex (IFC) at Stanford HospitalISBT Platelets CodesPlatelets and Plasma Outpatient Information GuideIFC Medicare Coding and Payment GuideIFC and PRPCR Coding InformationImplementing INTERCEPT Platelets – E-learning TestSample SBAR SheetPR Platelets Implementation GuideNurse Training ModuleSample Tie Tags SheetSample Labels SheetBest Practices Platelet Handling Guide – HospitalsNurse Handout TemplatePlatelets Dual Storage (DS) – INT2530BPlasma (P) – INT3130Platelets Small Volume (SV) – INT2130BPlatelets Large Volume (LV) – INT2230BPlatelets Large Volume (LV) Semi-Integrated Set – INT2240BPlatelets Small Volume (SV) Semi-Integrated Set – INT2140BPlatelets Dual Storage (DS) Semi-Integrated Set – INT2540BPlasma (P) Semi-Integrated Set – INT3140BPathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex – IFCPathogen Reduced Plasma, Cryoprecipitate Reduced – PRPCRINTERCEPT Integrated Sets Specifications InsertINTERCEPT Semi-integrated Sets Specifications InsertINTERCEPT Platelets Safety and EfficacyInterview: Dr. Shannon WalkerInterview: Dr. Maria De Los Angeles MuñizPlasma Safety and EfficacyINTERCEPT Plasma Specifications InsertInterview: Dr. Deva SharmaCMV Mitigation SheetINTERCEPT Blood System for PlateletsMethodologies for Reducing the Risk of TA-GVHD from Platelet TransfusionsPR – Proactive Strategy for Blood Safety in Pandemic PreparationRise in incidence of emerging arthropod-borne viruses: Eastern equine encephalitis and OropoucheWhy Blood Safety Matters: An Interview with Dr. Jerry SquiresPathogen Reduced Plasma, Cryoprecipitate Reduced (PRPCR)Logistical Management of Incorporating Pathogen Reduced Platelets into Inventory – Yale New-Haven HospitalThe Effects of PAS and PR on Platelet Use – Roswell Park Cancer InstituteComparing Useable Shelf-life of PR Platelets vs LVDS Screened PlateletsSafety and Efficacy of Amotosalen-UVA PR Platelet Components Transfused to Mature and Premature Neonates – Cerus CorporationReduced Blood Bank Product Preparation Time and Waste with Implementation of Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitate – Kaiser PermanenteImproved Operational Efficiencies With Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex vs. CryoAHF – UTSW Medical CenterImplementation of Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex in a Pediatric Level II Trauma Center – Valley Children’s HealthcareImplementation & Quality Analysis of Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex – Stanford UniversityImpact of PR vs LVDS Testing on Platelet AvailabilityPlatelets Economic Model – RutgersPhased Implementation of Pathogen-Reduced Platelets – UCSDImpact of Amotosalen/UVA Process for PR in PLT Concentrates on Transfusion Efficiency in Cardiac Surgery – Saint-Etienne, France2024 AABB Abstract BookINTERCEPT Platelets Publications2022 AABB Abstract Book2023 AABB Abstract BookSeptic Transfusion Reaction AwarenessThe PIPER Phase IV Study: Assessing the Safety of Pathogen Reduced Platelets in a Large Study of Platelet Transfusion-Associated Pulmonary InjuryPathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex (INTERCEPT® Fibrinogen Complex or IFC) and INTERCEPT® treated Platelets: Expanding the Use of Pathogen Reduction for Improved Blood SafetyLocal transmission of dengue virus – considerations for blood safety and the role of PRINTERCEPT® Fibrinogen Complex at UCSF: Earlier Fibrinogen Supplementation and Initial ExperienceFibrinogen Supplementation in Hemorrhagic Shock: Role of INTERCEPT® Fibrinogen ComplexINTERCEPT® Fibrinogen Complex at The Ohio State University: Earlier Fibrinogen Supplementation and Initial ExperienceMerits and Pitfalls of Automated Bacterial Culture Methods in Improving Bacterial Safety of Platelet ConcentratesReview of Neonate to Pediatric Patient Outcomes Transfused with Amotosalen/UVA Treated PlateletsPreparing Our Blood Supply for the Next Pandemic with Dr. Susan StramerPlatelet Pathogen Reduction Technology Implementation at Stanford Blood CenterPlatelet Component Bacterial Risk Control: An Evolution in ProgressPathogen Reduction of Platelets: Patient Safety and FDA Platelet Bacterial Guidance CompliancePathogen Reduction of Platelets: Guidance Compliance and ImplementationPathogen Reduced Platelet Implementation at Stanford HospitalImplementing Pathogen Reduced Platelets: A TSO (Transfusion Safety Officer) Perspective (Allegheny Health Network)Evaluating Usable Shelf-Life of Pathogen Reduced and LVDS Tested Platelet ComponentsAssessing Platelet Availability from Blood Center and Hospital PerspectivesImplementing Pathogen Reduced Platelets: A TSO (Transfusion Safety Officer) Perspective (Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital)Implementing Pathogen Reduced (PR) INTERCEPT Platelets and Pediatric ConsiderationsImpact of Platelet Transfusion on Pulmonary Function of Hematology Oncology Patients: The PIPER StudyImpact of Anaerobic Culture of Platelets on Safety and OperationsHemostatic Efficacy of Pathogen Reduced Platelets in Pediatric Cardiopulmonary BypassIntroducing a new cryoprecipitated coagulopathy treatment: INTERCEPT® Fibrinogen ComplexMeeting the Ever-changing Needs of Pediatric MTPINTERCEPT® Fibrinogen Complex in Cardiac Surgery: Experience at StanfordINTERCEPT Fibrinogen Complex: Initial Experience at UF HealthINTERCEPT Fibrinogen Complex: Implementation and Initial ExperienceImplementing the Use of INTERCEPT® Fibrinogen Complex (IFC) in the Pediatric SettingPostpartum Hemorrhage and Target-Directed MTP Lessons-Learned about Fibrinogen ReplacementThe INTERCEPT Blood System Mechanism of ActionUpdating a Software Model to Estimate the Cost and Shelf Life Implications of New Platelet TechnologiesThe Rationale for Pathogen Reduction: Blood Center and Transfusion Services Perspectives
Logistical Management of Incorporating Pathogen Reduced Platelets into Inventory – Yale New-Haven Hospital
Safety and Efficacy of Amotosalen-UVA PR Platelet Components Transfused to Mature and Premature Neonates – Cerus Corporation
Reduced Blood Bank Product Preparation Time and Waste with Implementation of Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitate – Kaiser Permanente
Improved Operational Efficiencies With Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex vs. CryoAHF – UTSW Medical Center
Implementation of Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex in a Pediatric Level II Trauma Center – Valley Children’s Healthcare
Implementation & Quality Analysis of Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex – Stanford University
Impact of Amotosalen/UVA Process for PR in PLT Concentrates on Transfusion Efficiency in Cardiac Surgery – Saint-Etienne, France
The PIPER Phase IV Study: Assessing the Safety of Pathogen Reduced Platelets in a Large Study of Platelet Transfusion-Associated Pulmonary Injury
Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitated Fibrinogen Complex (INTERCEPT® Fibrinogen Complex or IFC) and INTERCEPT® treated Platelets: Expanding the Use of Pathogen Reduction for Improved Blood Safety
INTERCEPT® Fibrinogen Complex at The Ohio State University: Earlier Fibrinogen Supplementation and Initial Experience
Merits and Pitfalls of Automated Bacterial Culture Methods in Improving Bacterial Safety of Platelet Concentrates
Implementing Pathogen Reduced Platelets: A TSO (Transfusion Safety Officer) Perspective (Allegheny Health Network)
Implementing Pathogen Reduced Platelets: A TSO (Transfusion Safety Officer) Perspective (Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital)
Impact of Platelet Transfusion on Pulmonary Function of Hematology Oncology Patients: The PIPER Study
Updating a Software Model to Estimate the Cost and Shelf Life Implications of New Platelet Technologies